Tuesday, August 25, 2009

10 Most Annoying TV characters

10) Sookie Stackhouse: I like Anna Paquin, I really do; but fuck it all to hell if gappy isn't annoying as fuck with that fake accent and dumb shenanigans; everytime I hear BUT BEEL! I just want to change the channel (I never do, there's too much Lafayette, Eric, Vampire Archuleta, JessicaaasyourmakerIcommandyou! greatness to do that). Hope they develop more of her powers in upcoming episodes. And how fucking lucky is she? she gets to mack and grind on all of those hot dudes, specially the god on earth that is Skarsgard.

9)Maryann Forrester: While we're talking True Blood, bitch just collect Carl, your hearts and diverse meats and go inspire orgies somewhere else. I loved Michelle Forbes on BSG but I can't fucking stand her as this over the hill party girl cunt anymore. Lolo Bromios, lolo dentries, lolo-stick a-lo-lo-lolipop up your ass for all I care, just fucking go.

8) Carrie Heffernan: Best advocate for single life ever! Boner killing voice, bossy and mean. Doug was an idiot but he deserved better than this bitch. I liked her better as Stacey Carosi, still she was not even in the same league as Kelly KaPOWski

7) Izzie Stevens: Never before has a character gone through such a huge 360. I loved Izzie at first, she was cute, smart and heartfelt. Now she's pseudo-fucking ghosts, destroying a marriage, and being such an uppity bitch (It is hard to differentiate betwix Izzie and Heigl, so that just makes her even worse, 17 hours!! boo fucking hoo biatch). Die already.

6) Meredith Grey: Hate her watery eyes and dumb philosofies: I need to be extraordinary, I'll get married via Post-It. Fuck you.

5) Billy Chenowith: Incestous, crazy and too talky. He was hot but that's way too much crazy ass bullshit to put up with, his sister even died so as not to have to deal with his chatty ass anymore.

4) Celia Hodes: Loved her on earlier seasons and her chola makeover in prison, but can't stand her lately. I'm liking her copying Nancy but she's just incredibly unlikeable now. You can really tell the writers have run out of material for her: PTA, divorce, cancer, politics, jail, mexico, drug dealer, lesbianism; its way too camp for my liking.

3) Nancy Botwin: Loved, LOVED her being told off by Andy as to how big of a coward she is and how she is responsible for all the bad shit that has happened to her and her family. I rooted for Nancy at first, but now she's just so whiny and bitchy, she dresses ridonk plus she must be the worst mom on TV history, even worse than that bitch Leann Mars. Though it must be said what an incredibly sexy woman MLP is, that ass is amazing.

2) Kimmy Gibler: Why bother writing anything? can't stand this uncle-fucker. Come to think of it I also hated Michelle, Stephanie, that thrift store Robin Williams and pretty much everyone who was not Uncle Jessy and Aunt Becky

1) Harriet Brindle: I remember being like 5 years old and hating Harriet. Her voice and demeanor were so grating. I did like that bitch was always grinding on Jamie, slutyness can be a wonderful thing, even at such an early age, but she was just way too big of a c-word for my taste.

UPDATE: Just realized there are way too many women in this post, and it makes me come off as lady-hater..so my actual least favourite TV character ever is that douche Jim from According to Jim. dunno if that shit is still on, but it shouldn't, the Bush years are over after all. No way in hell that slob could get with someone as hot as Courtney Thorne Smith


projectrevo said...
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projectrevo said...

I'm a woman and I get why you have mostly women in your list. It's because we're fucking annoying. But guys are annoying by being fucking idiots, and you don't need to put up with that shit, so their presence doesn't last as long to get annoying.

I'm watching Weeds right now and I agree that Nancy is hella annoying, she treats everyone like shit and she's just as narcissistic as everyone says, but she gets away with it because she's a stereotypical white female who is apparently attractive to men, thinks she's the shit, and is shallow and vapid AS FUCK (like wtf are you doing just standing around when there are fucking guns being pointed at you fool????? GODDAMN that was annoyingly idiotic).

I miss Nancy from the early seasons, she was an actual badass and knew what she was doing, now she's just lost, acts stupid as fuck, takes advantage of the people who care about her, and fucks dangerous people even though she thinks it's to her advantage when clearly it's not... Jesus... Love when Heylia, Doug, Andy, Conrad, Celia, and her sons tell her off for being selfish and stupid. Speaking of Celia, she's not annoying, she actually may be a bitch, but she knows it and isn't annoying for that reason because she acknowledges it unlike Nancy lol. Not to mention she doesn't take anyone's shit and SHE FUCKING GETS A JOB WHEN SHE'S BROKE because she's not stupid... /rant