Tuesday, August 25, 2009

9 One trick Ponies

9) Ricardo Arjona: Unknown to non-Spanish speakers, this singer from Guatemala is pretty famous to us latinos. He's kinda foxy and I like some of his songs, but most of them just sound the same to me: Capitalism sucks! Whaaa, I wan't a woman I can't have! Whaaaa!

8) Roland Emmerich: Yes you like to destroy landmarks, and show fathers who keep their families together against insurmountable odds, time to move on.

7) Michael Cera: He basically plays George Michael over and over again and seems to be such an ungrateful little bitch towards Mitch Hurwitz. I also believe he was grossly misscast as Scott Pilgrim, the rest of the cast looks great but it pisses me off that he's the lead. (Guess I gotta work on my anger issues, this blog helps)

6) Tyler Perry: Yes racism is still pretty much alive in America, it is a serious problem that should be openly discussed, but damn it I hate that old bitch Madea, so fucking nosy and so obviously a dude. He does look kinda bottom-looking-to-hook-up-on-craigslist hot without the Madea shit on

5) Seth MacFarlane: He is a multi-talented guy, great voice, good writer and funny; but enough with the: it's like that time that.... the Cleveland Show pilot kinda sucked hard IMHO. Actually I quite like this guy, and it's nice to see one of us nerds getting such prime rib as Eliza Dushku. I'm not even sure why I put him here, guess I needed to fill up some spots.

4) Candace Bushnell: Maybe it's my lack of vagina, but everything she does seems samish to me

3) McG: I'm gonna take a beloved franchise, rape it hard in the ear and introduce it to a younger demographic, so rad bro.

2) Bill O'Reilly: What's the manly equivalent to the C-Word ? Whatever it is this guy is it, fuck it, Bill O'Reilly: You are a huge cunt. He always does his typical spiel of: I disagree with you, I'm gonna belittle you on my shit show, invite you over and try to belittle you in person. Dr. Tiller's blood is in your hands motherfucker.

Just for shits and giggles, here's a classic

1) Michael Bay: Who else? Explosions? Slow-Mo dirty hos? Racist stereotypes? Weak female roles? must be a Michael Bay joint

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