Tuesday, March 4, 2008

5 Things I've been hating lately

5) "Experts" on the news.
Check out this clip from The Chaser to know what I'm talking about

4) According to Jim
Who is watching this bullshit?

3) Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer movies
Opinions are like assholes, in that everyone has one. I usually respect that but I just can't understand why anyone would like to waste their time and money watching anything these idiots make. Parody can be a beautiful thing when done right(Airplane, KFM, Scary Movie, Spaceballs, Shrek), but these bastards take pride in dumbing down America with their idiotic pop cultural "jokes", pandering to the lowest common denominator. Mel Brooks please kill these motherfuckers.

2) TIE: That fucked up crazy Trisha chick from The Real World: Sydney & that asshole Frank from The Gauntlet 3.
Man what a piece of work these two bastards are. I used to think Frank was a coo,l easy going, fun loving guy on the Real World: Las Vegas. Turns out he's a huge douche, even douchier than CT on the Gauntlet III. I don't know who to root for on that show, everyone is fucking deranged. Can't there be a team with just Paula in it? Drinking Game: Take a shot every time these idiots say "Trim the fat".

On the other hand the Real World is getting harder and harder to stomach, specially when no class, homophobic, racist, crazy, faux-religious, peroxide blond loudmouths like Trisha are cast

And speaking of
no class, homophobic, racist, crazy, faux-religious, peroxide blond loudmouths we come to my number one pick of things I've been hating lately...

The despicable, Muppet voiced, right wing crazy, ....

1) Debbie Schlussel
No need to bother anyone by showing a picture or video of this cancer to humanity, instead lets enjoy a great video response to some of her (endless) ludicrous comments by the Young Turks.

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